It might be a little frustrating for you to find a loan like Provident these days, isn’t it? It has been one of the most attractive loan offers for a really long time. If you have faced an emergency at some point in time, and you have taken this loan out, then you know how wonderful a Provident loan can be.
Sadly, Provident loans are not available today. And this very fact puts in your mind that Provident loans may have a distinct difference with loans that are like Provident loans, right? Well, in this post. We are going to learn what they were; what they are and how you can get one. So, keep on reading.
What Were Provident Loans?
Read the subtitle again. Provident loans were there in the past. They don’t exist anymore. You are not getting them these days. However, if you want to take out loans like Provident, then you might as well get one from a direct lender service with not so much effort included in the process.
Provident, was a short-term lender, which, unfortunately, ceased to work in 2021. It is a part of the Provident Financial Group. The short-term lenders provided a special kind of loan called the doorstep loans, and, to be frank, they have been quite popular in those days when people were into them when they faced strong borrowing needs.
A representative from the lender would reach your doorstep, of course with the cash money, and you take the money out. However, you could still apply online.
Term Facilities of a Provident Loan Such facilities made this loan pretty noteworthy. I mean people would always love something that is easily gotten. No hassles between the lender and the borrowers come to exist. There are literally no paperwork problems or complexities eating your brains up. You need the money; you tell them and they come up at your door with the money; knocking of course.
But the real question is Provident Loans aren’t around anymore and if you want to get an exactly alike product, then whether or not you are getting it. We can discuss this on the next point if you care to scroll down.1.
1. Is There an Alternative to Provident Loans?
The first step to finding doorstep loans like Provident is to find a direct lender. Trust me, your deal would be so fast that you cannot imagine. Direct lenders are also known as private lenders.
They specialise in designing and developing these loan products with literal passion infused in the procedure. You can get doorstep loans as unsecured loans/ personal loans from direct lenders where you won’t have to scratch your head for collateral or a guarantor. You may also take it out if you are a student or you are someone who is earning benefits.
2. In What Conditions You May take out this Alternative?
I didn’t have a bank account when I applied for this loan. Sure, student accounts may get applicable but I seriously do not know anything about them.
All I knew was that I can take this loan out even if I don’t have a bank account. I applied being clear wit how I wish to repay and then I found this direct lender representative with cash money at my door; almost in the way Provident lenders used to send their officials.
One great perk of this loan is that – and I realised it later – is that you can make an instant decision with these loans. Therefore, if you ask me, they might be a good substitute for the emergency loan. I mean you get the money fast without paperwork hassles.
You might have a bank account but what if there’s a problem with it? What if you need money when you’ve decided to close off the account to start another account with a new bank?
Transactions might not happen in this way, right? In these cases, choosing a doorstep loan might be a good idea – a really good idea.
3. How May We Help You with An Alternative Loan to Provident?
If you have been searching for a loan of this kind and you have the word ‘stressed out’ in your mind, then you may have been denied the loan. In other cases, you may be asked to go through a lengthier and more complicated lending process.
We are a direct lender in the UK and we can help you with doorstep loans like Provident surprisingly. We have a 99% approval rate. If you supply us with the needed documentation for repayment, then getting a loan is as easy as ABC for you. Here is what we will need from you:
- Your Basic Details (Citizenship information; address; contact etc.)
- Live evidence of your earning
- Bank Account details (If applicable)
- Your updated credit score (if applicable)
We should let you know that a bad credit score is no longer a problem to us if we find your income to afford the instalments for repayment. We would skip a hard credit check then and make a soft credit check instead.
Feel free to connect with us because you may need our help. And we’re ready to give you that. Phone us or write to us and we’ll be at your service.
Emma Anderson is a financial advisor at Quickloanslender who always believes in researching hard to know her clients’ financial problems. She takes the time to understand their financial wants and needs to write the blogs on them as the solutions. In her long 14 years of experience, she has written plenty of blogs on the financial and business sectors of the UK.
Emma Anderson has been recognised for her work in financial planning and her blogs are regularly published in the website of Quickloanslender. As far as her educational qualification is concerned, she has done Masters in Accounting and Finance, and done PG Diploma in Creative Writing.